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Summer Camp 2025 registration begins
Feb. 24th, 2025
*Week 1- June 30th- July 4th -Beach Bash
* Closed July 1st
Week 2 July 7-11th - Mystery week
Week 3 July 14th -18th - Ocean life to bug life
Week 4 July 21-25th -Around the world
Week 5 July 28th - August 1st -Amazing Race
*Week 6 Aug 5th - 8th -Mad Science week
Week 7 August 11th-15th - Out of this world (space)
Week 8 August 18-22nd - Colour wars
Week 9 August 25-29th - Best of the best
3 - 13
Must be registered for JK
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
June 30th-Aug 29th
$ 260.00
* shortened weeks
Pizza Lunch Now Available Mondays and Fridays for an additional $6.50 per day, 2 slices and juice
Hot Dog Day Wed. $3.50 1 hot dog and juice
All weeks include sports, games, music/drama, arts, crafts, and science that are based on the themes available!
Kids pick their favorite activities throughout the day. We always offer options so no child is doing an activity they don't like.
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